CFD so zapleteni instrumenti in predstavljajo tveganje za hitro izgubijo denarja, zaradi finančnega vzvoda. 73% maloprodajnih računov investitorjev izgubi denar pri trgovanju CFD s tem ponudnikom. Morate pretehtati, ali si lahko privoščite, da prevzamete veliko tveganje za izgubo svojega denarja.
Pogodbe za razliko (CFD-ji) so zapleteni instrumenti, ki zaradi vzvoda vključujejo visoko stopnjo tveganja, da hitro izgubite denar. 75% računov majhnih vlagateljev na drobno izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku. Razmislite, ali razumete, kako delujejo CFD-ji in ali si lahko privoščite visoko tveganje za izgubo celotnega vloženega kapitala.

Tedenska analiza

Tedenski pregled za trgovanje s CFD-ji - 08/07/2024 - 12/07/2024

Tedenski pregled za trgovanje s CFD-ji 17/07/2024

17 julij, 2024
Tedenska analiza 17/07/2024 Ekonomski koledar

The Eurodollar continued to rise after the final round of parliamentary elections in France. The socialist block came first, Macron’s centrist party came second, with the Eurosceptic National Rally coalition coming in third.

The British pound climbed sharply as Sterling appeared to experience a bump from the Labour party’s election victory. The pair traded close to a one-year high after PM Starmer outlined policies that include improved relations with European countries.

The USD/JPY fell sharply after it was reported that the Bank of Japan intervened in the currency markets to support the Yen. The pair has hit several all-time highs so far this year.

Gold prices increased and hit a two-month high. In the US CPI Inflation data came in lower than expected. Markets could expect two rate hikes from the Fed before the end of the year.

The price of the stock indexes climbed last week with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 again hitting record highs. The earnings season kicked off with big banks JP Morgan Citigroup and Wells Fargo posting better than expected results.

Crude oil prices traded slightly lower after "black gold" bounced off a 10-day low earlier in the week, but failed to recover by Friday's close.

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