Most frequently asked questions
Protections you lose being classified as a Professional Client
Professional clients are entitled to fewer protections under UK and EU regulators than retail clients. Please note that the following is not a comprehensive list but summarises the protections that you will lose being reclassified as a professional-client:
How To Become A Professional Client
If you would like to be classified as a professional client, you must state in writing that you wish to be treated as a professional client and fulfill at least TWO of the following criteria set by the FCA:
Information You Will Need To Provide
In addition to completing the professional client application form, if we cannot confirm you meet the above criteria from your trading activity and account information, you will have to provide the following documents as evidence:
FCA Professional Client Criteria | Supporting Documentation |
1. You have traded in significant size an average frequency of 10 times in each of the last 4 quarters on CFDs or forex | Trade statement from another broker / financial institution of a live account, not the demo |
2. You have an investment portfolio of + 500,000 EUR. (Including cash savings / financial instruments) | Bank, broker or investment portfolio statement or a letter from a notary public confirming the net worth |
3. You have worked for at least one year in the financial sector in a professional position, gaining knowledge of CFD and forex trading | FCA register screenshot, payslip or letter from employer |
Application Process:
If you would like to apply to become a professional client, please contact your account representative or our support team at [email protected] or download our Professional Client application form.
Please complete the application form and email along with supporting documents to [email protected]
Applications are approved and rejected at Fortrade’s discretion.
How To Become A Professional Client
If you would like to be classified as a professional client, you must state in writing that you wish to be treated as a professional client and fulfill at least TWO of the following criteria set by the CySEC:
Information You Will Need To Provide
In addition to completing the professional client application form, if we cannot confirm you meet the above criteria from your trading activity and account information, you will have to provide the following documents as evidence:
CySEC Professional Client Criteria | Supporting Documentation |
1. You have traded in significant size an average frequency of 10 times in each of the last 4 quarters on CFDs or forex | Trade statement from another broker / financial institution of a live account, not the demo |
2. You have an investment portfolio of + 500,000 EUR. (Including cash savings / financial instruments) | Bank, broker or investment portfolio statement or a letter from a notary public confirming the net worth |
3. You have worked for at least one year in the financial sector in a professional position, gaining knowledge of CFD and forex trading | CySEC register screenshot, payslip or letter from employer |
Application Process:
If you would like to apply to become a professional client, please contact your account representative or our support team at [email protected] or download our Professional Client application form.
Please complete the application form and email along with supporting documents to [email protected]
Applications are approved and rejected at Fortrade’s discretion.
A CFD-k összetett eszközök, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen pénzveszteség jelentős kockázatával járnak. A lakossági befektetői számlák 73.43%-án veszteség keletkezik ennél a szolgáltatónál történő CFD kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy valóban érti-e a CFD-k működését, és megengedheti-e magának a pénze elvesztésének magas kockázatát. Olvassa el a teljes kockázati figyelmeztetést.
A Fortrade a Fortrade Cyprus Ltd márkaneve, amely egy Ciprusi Befektetési Társaság, amelyet a Ciprusi Értékpapír- és Tőzsdefelügyelet (CySEC) 385/20-as engedélyszám alatt engedélyezett és szabályozott, székhelye: Kosta Partasides utca 34., Abbey Tower, 3030 Limassol, Ciprus.
A Fortrade Cyprus Ltd befektetési és kiegészítő szolgáltatásokat nyújt az Európai Gazdasági Térség (EEA) lakosai számára.