Pogodbe za razliko (CFD-ji) so zapleteni instrumenti, ki zaradi vzvoda vključujejo visoko stopnjo tveganja, da hitro izgubite denar. 75% računov majhnih vlagateljev na drobno izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku. Razmislite, ali razumete, kako delujejo CFD-ji in ali si lahko privoščite visoko tveganje za izgubo celotnega vloženega kapitala. Preberite celotno opozorilo o tveganju.
CFD so zapleteni instrumenti in predstavljajo tveganje za hitro izgubijo denarja, zaradi finančnega vzvoda. 67% računov vlagateljev na drobno izgubi denar pri trgovanju s CFD-ji pri tem ponudniku. Morate pretehtati, ali si lahko privoščite, da prevzamete veliko tveganje za izgubo svojega denarja.

Strategije Trgovanja Dneva

Tunnel Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy you are looking for a break in a uniform trend.

Fractal Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy you are looking for averages and fractals which indicate the possibility of a future trend.

Fibo Trap Strategy (level 3)

With this reverse strategy the goal is to identify the end of a correction and enter when a new trend begins.

Zoom In Strategy (level 3)

In this strategy, the goal is to identify a new minor trend, and properly time your entry.

Semi-Automatic Strategies

Exclusive Indicator developed by our experts. On screen display will announce the current automatic analysis.

T-Chaser Strategy (level 3)

The goal with this strategy is to identify the start of a new trend.

Zigzag Strategy (level 2)

The purpose of this strategy is to take advantage of the momentum that is created following a breakout.

Wave Tracker Strategy (level 2)

With this strategy you need to identify, using indicators, a change in rate direction, and join the new trend.

Fishing strip strategy (level 2)

With this strategy you are looking for turning points which indicate the possibility of a change in trend direction.

Trend Signal Strategy (level 1)

With this strategy, you are looking for a shift in the current trend to a previous trend.

Takojšnja brezplačna prijava
Odprite demo račun in trenirajte brez tveganja z uporabo virtualnega denarja.
Možne Prekinitve
Prosimo, upoštevajte, da lahko naletite na prekinitve zaradi načrtovanega vzdrževanja. Trudimo se zmanjšati vpliv in zagotoviti nemoteno delovanje.
Hvala za razumevanje.